Vital Statistics

Location: Douglas County, MN
Land Area: 30.4 sq. mi.
Water Area: 5.1 sq. mi.
Lakes With Public Landings: 6
Population: As of April, 2023 – 760
Households: As of April, 2023 – 318
Township Roads: 46.88 Miles (9.26 Paved)

Township 129 Range 29

Established as Chippewa
Township September 3, 1867

Renamed Brandon Township
March 11, 1881


Brandon Township was settled in 1860 and established as a township in 1867.  It was then called Chippewa for its lakes and river of that name used as a “road of war” by the Ojibway in their forays to the Sioux country.  Previously it had a station, named Chippewa, of the Burbank stage route from St. Cloud to the Red River.

The village of Chippewa was platted near the stage coach station in 1867 and was officially renamed “Brandon” by the US Post office in 1869.  The village moved two miles south to its present location on the railroad in 1881.

The township name was also changed from “Chippewa” to “Brandon” in 1881. This occasionally causes confusion as to which Brandon is the Township and which Brandon is the City.

The activities of the township during the early years consisted primarily of laying out and building the township roads needed for the settler farmers to purchase needed supplies and equipment and to get their products to market.  The earliest township road was surveyed and built in 1868.  Currently, the township is responsible for maintaining 38 miles of gravel roads and 9 miles of paved roads.  

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