2011 Road Sign Removal 09-19-2011

RESOLUTION 9-19-2011 ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR REMOVAL OF REGULATORY, WARNING AND GUIDE SIGNS   WHEREAS, the Town Board (“Board”) of Brandon Township (“Town”) is the road authority and provides maintenance for approximately forty two (  42_) miles of road in the Town;  WHEREAS, MN statute 169.06 subd. 3 states that the Board, as the local road authority, shall place and maintain traffic control devices on roadways in their jurisdiction, to regulate, warn or guide traffic;  WHEREAS, Brandon Township roads are low volume with predominantly local traffic; utilized by increasingly wide agricultural planting and harvesting equipment and our residents desire to preserve the rural character of our Township;   WHEREAS, The Board will use the uniform regulations set forth in the current Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MNMUTCD) initially issued May 2005;  WHEREAS, The Board has adopted an inventory of all signs and the Township Engineer has recommended which signs should be maintained; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that regulatory, warning and guide signs for the roads of the Town not designated to be maintained, be removed at the discretion of the Town.    Approved by:                                                    _J.K. Stabnow_____________________Township Engineer  Adopted this _19th__ day of ____September______, 2011__.   BY THE TOWN BOARD                                                        ATTEST: _Michael Cleary_____________                                _Adrian Ledermann__________ Town Board Chair                                                                   Town Clerk